I had the problem on Open-E iSCSI. The system can not boot. On the screen, it' show
"System Corrupted!" with red color. Do you suggest me to get my data?
I had the problem on Open-E iSCSI. The system can not boot. On the screen, it' show
"System Corrupted!" with red color. Do you suggest me to get my data?
you data should be ok
try reflashing the DOM, with a software update
you can access the data by downloading a demo cd to boot the system
Hi chumpol,
Why don't you try testing the module in a different USB port? If that doesn't work, try testing it in a different machine.
Do you mean use another USB port to connect Open-E Flash memory?Originally Posted by asaph07
I try to test it with another USB port but it 's the same "System corrupted!".Originally Posted by chumpol
I download the demo CD and boot from it. Now I can access my data.But it has
30 days evaluation.
Can I write the new update image of the open-e iSCSI R3 to USB flash drive?