Quote Originally Posted by beng
What are the servers you are connecting to the NAS with?

If you are running Windows try using the Intel NAS Perf tester:

And if you want to test your GB Network, take a look at netspeed.exe from OptimumX
(Assuming you have another Windows Box to test against.)

So far I think almost all of our speed issues we have narrowed down to the server NICs not auto negotiating properly.

Rgds Ben
Think i have located the problem. The problem was located to the Areca 1261ML controller and/or the memory ( 2 GB ) on the Areca controller.

Tested this by making a software raid directly connected to the motherboard ( Supermicro X7DWE )

Works fine now. Transfering several 2 Gigabyte files give an average writespeed to the software raid-0 at 460 Mb/s ( 56 MB/s). This over a 1 gb line connected directly with twisted-pair.

Is that a reasonable speed. Else, i will try thos tools. The graphical speed charts i Open-E also works fine i think.

Kurt H