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Thread: Differences between Snapshot, Backup and Data Replication

  1. #1

    Question Differences between Snapshot, Backup and Data Replication


    my english is not so good, but i have a few question about these Backupoptions.


    1. What are the differences between these 3 Options ?
    2. What is the best method to install a "naked" system with one of these Backupoptions ?
    (we have two NAS. One with files and one new System. The new system is the backup. So we want to make a backup of the existing NAS an copy these on the new system. So that the Systems has the same files.)
    2.1. Which Backup would you prefer for these plan ?

    Questions to Snapshot:

    If me make a Snapshot today and the system runs 2-3 weeks. Than the system crash or other things. We can jump to the last Snapshot an the system is the same with all files on these Day. So all things that happen in these 2-3 week are deleted?


    1. Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen diesen 3 Backupmöglichkeiten?
    2. Welche Methode ist die beste, um ein leeres System mit einem Backup auf zu setzen?
    (Wir haben zwei NAS. Das eine besitzt schon Daten und das andere ist leer. Wir möchten nun ein Backup des schon bestehenden System machen und dann das leere System mit diesen Backupdaten neu aufspielen. So das am Ende beide die gleichen Daten besitzen.)
    2.1. Welche der 3 Backupmöglichkeiten würdet Ihr für dieses Vorhaben nehmen.

    Frage zu Snapshot:

    Wir machen einen Snapshot und das System läuft dann 2-3 Wochen. In dieser Zeit passiert dann etwas mit dem System, können wir dann einfach zu diesem Snapshop "springen" und es alles so wie an dem Tag an dem der Snapshot gemacht wurde? Also alles dinge die auf dem NAS dies letzen 2-3 Wochen geschehen ist sind weg?

    Yours faithfully

  2. #2


    Hi fsp,

    no worries about your english.. post as much as you.. the forum is not that active but we see some nice posts from time to time....

    1. What are the differences between these 3 Options ?

    Snapshot is an image of the data (not actual data)
    Replication is an excact share in a different open-e system
    Backup is a copy of the data loaded on tapes or dynamic drives.

    2. What is the best method to install a "naked" system with one of these Backupoptions ?
    (we have two NAS. One with files and one new System. The new system is the backup. So we want to make a backup of the existing NAS an copy these on the new system. So that the Systems has the same files.)
    2.1. Which Backup would you prefer for these plan ?

    you can do snapshot and replication at the same time. depend if your data is critical. if you want to chose then just go with replication as its your only choice.
    Install open-e module in the 2 system then replicate the shares

    is it clear???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

  4. #4


    A snapshot is a part of the just like taking image of something...databackup means we are going to take each and every file of our data...and replication means we are copying
    the data..

  5. #5


    dedication is an idea that was brought in SnapView 2.0. Instead of having a emulate of piece map cubical efficiently in memory, the dedication element can be certain to have a reproduction of the piece map imitated to the snapshot cache on disk. With this characteristic, if the storage processor fails, then the hunk map table is still available.
    car lettering

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