1 - When i'm using the demo cd, where is my configuration stored?

We recomend that you save your configuration and setup settings from the GUI in MAINTENANCE -> miscellaneous -> Function: Save settings.

2 - After i decide which product i'll go with (nas,iscsi or dss) this demo system could be
booted with any of your usb product offerings without losing any of my data?

Correct, you wont lse any of your data.

Here is the online help section concerning Saving your settings.

Function: Save settings

With this function you can store configuration settings.

Select the settings you want to store and click Apply. Settings can be saved locally on the server (they will be visible in the Restore settings function) and/or as a downloadable file. Each time you save settings locally a new entry will be created and you will be able to select which settings to restore during the restore process.

You can restore settings using the Restore settings function.
Settings will also be saved automatically every time the server is restarted or shut down. These are stored in files following the naming convention auto_save_X / auto_save_last.
MAINTENANCE -> miscellaneous -> Function: Save settings.