Hi All,

This may be a trivial thing but so far I haven't found a solution I really like.

Here is the deal:

I want to have a couple of pools to perform monthly backups that are to be sent off-site (a safe box on a bank or similar). I just created the pools I need with one tape, defined and scheduled the backup (well, schedule of monthly backups is not automatic yet but according to Todd it soon will be, txs!

Once the backup finishes (it would be nice to receive email notices on demand, btw) that tape is supposed to be removed from the tape loader and sent to the bank. A new tape should then be labeled and added to the pool... oops.. the slot is still being used by the previous tape. If I 'delete' it and add a new one, the backup information will be removed from the backup database..

Ok, I can circumvent this by adding two tapes to the pool, one for the 'current' tape on the bank and another for the 'future' tape. When one goes, the other comes.. I retain old one which becomes the new 'future' and the 'future' becomes current.

Kinda does it.. but what if I loose everything in a disaster and the only thing I have is the bank tapes, a new identical tape loader and a brand new Open-e DSS server?

Can i, somehow, load a tape and manually dump everything in it to some share?
