
we try to get ftp-access to the NAS-server; unfortunately without success.

No matter what has been setup under NAS-Settings and NAS-resources, Status/system always shows:
Service: FTP
State: ON
Status: FAILED

In the error.log file we found the following message:
/var/run/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard: No such file or directory
(Perhaps you need to specify the ScoreboardFile with -f, or change the compile-time default directory?)

Under Configuration/NAS-Settings: Use FTP is enabled and we have tried with several basic settings:
FTP port: 21
Max clients: 200
Max clients: 5
Encryption settings:
None or SSL
Shares which work fine with other protocols have been allowed for FTP access with "Anonymous mode" or "Users with password"

Model: Data Storage Server
Version: 5.0.DB49000000.3278
Release date: 2008-11-19

Any help would be appreciated.

